DBIS'2020 Tallinn, Estonia
Baltic DB&IS 2020
June 16-19, 2020, Tallinn, ESTONIA
14th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems


14th Baltic DB&IS conference has ended

The 14th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information System, Baltic DB&IS 2020 conference has ended. Due to the escalation of anti-COVID-19 regulations in Europe Baltic DB&IS 2020 organizers were forced to change the format of the conference to virtual. Baltic DB&IS 2020 was the 1st Virtual Baltic DB&IS conference.

The conference had 74 registered participants, and during the 4 days 29 presentations were delivered, including 3 keynote talks. In addition, Doctoral Consortium was held, with 7 presentations presented.

Thank you all for your participation!

Welcome to Latvia in 2022!

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