Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers
Important dates
- Paper submission: February 10, 2020 March 09, 2020 (extended)
- Notification: April 6, 2020
Aims and Scope
The Baltic DB&IS 2020 Doctoral Consortium is intended to bring together PhD students working on the crucial matters of engineering reliable, secure and sustainable information systems with data and data analysis in the central role. The Doctoral Consortium will provide PhD students an opportunity to:
- Present their research work in a relaxed and supportive environment;
- Discuss their work and receive constructive feedback and advice from leading researchers;
- Network with peers and future colleagues.
Structure and Topics of Interest
Topics should be in line with the main conference topics.
Paper Submission
PhD students are invited to submit papers (6-8 pages) describing their current work. The paper must be solely authored by the doctoral student. Acknowledgements to the supervisor can be included.
Submissions should be prepared and submitted according to the formatting requirements for papers of the Baltic DB&IS 2020 Conference. The Doctoral Consortium papers must be submitted through Microsoft CMT (Conference Management Toolkit) website. Authors need to register in CMT before submission. Follow the instructions for handling submission.
The language of the consortium is English. All submitted materials must be in English. Attendees must have sufficient proficiency in English to allow them to participate in the academic discussions at the Consortium.
The paper must adhere to the following conditions and include:
- Introduction and Motivation, identifying a significant problem in the field and its importance,
- Clear formulation of research question(s),
- State of the Art - describing related work or studies,
- Research Method, i.e., research methodology that is applied or planned,
- Results and their evaluation/validation.
- Conclusions.
Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least two members of the Doctoral Consortium Programme Committee. The main evaluation criteria are: originality, significance, technical soundness, accuracy, and clarity.
Accepted Doctoral Consortium papers will be submitted for online publication as CEUR Workshop proceedings. CEUR proceedings are indexed in DBLP. Author of the best DC paper (written by a doctoral student) is invited to submit an extended version to international scholarly open access electronic journal Baltic Journal of Modern Computing (BJMC) (ISSN / E-ISSN: 2255-8950), which is indexed in SCOPUS as of 2020.
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
- Eduard Petlenkov, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
- Riina Maigre, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Mentors / Advisory committee:
- Audrone Lupeikiene, Vilnius University, Lithuania
- Laila Niedrite, University of Latvia, Latvia
- Gunnar Piho, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia